Political Activity Guidance to All Key Stakeholders

Policy Number: 800-002: External Relations and Fundraising

Policy Title: Political Activity Guidance to All Key Stakeholders

Responsible Officers: Vice President for External Affairs and the General Counsel

Responsible Offices: Office of External Affairs, Office of the General Counsel

Effective Date: October 14, 2020 (Original); July 23, 2024 (Revised)

Next Review Date: Two to three years, or as needed.

Summary: This Policy provides guidance to Howard University's Key Stakeholders on what is permitted and what is not permitted according to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Code governing non-profit institutions. To protect the important legacy of Howard University, it is incumbent upon all Key Stakeholders to comply fully with the Policy.  

Keywords:  University resources, public statements, fundraising, campaigns, dignitaries, campus organizations

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Political Activity Guidance to All Key Stakeholders

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